Miranda update
CaseStack TS Transition to Miranda TMS
Miranda TMS has been undergoing numerous changes to improve the TMS and fit into CaseStack’s Transportation Services workflows with the intention of making our AR’s and Sales Coordinator’s lives easier when the transition to Miranda from Admin occurs. Some of the changes already completed include:
- Rate quotes from more carriers
- Automatic tracking of LTL shipments
- Automatic document retrieval of LTL shipments
- Default margins per customer with abilities to quickly change them on quotes
- Improvements to our BOL document
- International address support with LTL rates available across North America
To read more about several of these changes and others, you can view our New Features and Release Notes documentation from our latest release.
The final set of changes are being completed right now which includes an upgraded accounting interface, providing functionality to display carrier & customer invoice data, customer payments, as well as an enhanced Gross Profit report and a new AR Aging report. We are planning on releasing these changes as early as next week. Once this is completed, we will perform final training and begin the transition of pilot members from Admin to Miranda. We look forward to helping you be successful at CaseStack and at moving freight!