A Lasting First Impression
As I sit here in my comfortable cubicle thinking about what to write, I look around and see my dirtied white board, post-it notes, Il Forno receipts, and French Vanilla Coffee Mate creamers lying around, cluttering my desk but making it my home at CaseStack for the past five months.
But, more importantly, I browse through all the word documents, excel spreadsheets, and PhotoShop files I’ve worked on and realize how much valuable, hands-on experience I’ve gained through my marketing internship. And, surprisingly, how little coffee I fetched. Just kidding.
Really, though. Throughout the time that I’ve been here, I’ve always been encouraged by Sum-Sum and Mia to not only complete tasks diligently and efficiently, but creatively and intuitively. From the planning of the Executive to Executive lunch conferences to the execution of employee interviews in preparation for the making of the profile cards, I’ve always felt free to take an assigned project and give it my own spin. And the feedback system among TJ, Nadia, Mia, Sum-Sum and myself works superbly. There is always plenty of red ink on drafts to ensure that what we produce is still kept in line with the image, vision, and values of CaseStack. As a result, we produce the highest-quality promotional materials, press releases, mailers and company collateral pieces that put Casestack in the news.
In carrying out all these projects, I’ve also become more learned in programs like Adobe PhotoShop and Microsoft Excel, not to mention helpful website tools such as SalesForce and Hoover’s (Ohhhh, leads!). I’ve been introduced to such technological applications as the FTP, mastered the stamp machine, and almost figured out how to use the transfer button on our work phone.
The projects I’ve been assigned have also allowed me to interact heavily with my coworkers, apart from the Marketing gang I work with on a daily basis. From Dan, Steve, John, Dave, Bambi, Rhea, both Bens, Mark, the IT crew, the WAMs and BDMs on this side to Craig and the ARs on the other side, I’ve gotten a sense of who each person is behind the employee. And how couldn’t I have? In the tight-knit environment of Suites 100 and 110 of 2850 Ocean Park Blvd., where Poor Man’s is held every other Friday and people greet one another with smiles from the moment they enter the office, it’s hard not to feel at home at work. And that’s a great feeling.
It surprises me just how many awesome people I’ve gotten to know, great eateries on Ocean Park I’ve been introduced to, and practical things I’ve learned about marketing here at CaseStack, from corporate communications and sales marketing support to event prepping and public relations. All I know is that, for being my first internship in a professional, corporate environment, my experience at CaseStack has set a high standard for future internships and jobs. I’m looking forward to seeing what CaseStack will do in the future, and will make sure to check in often. After all, once a member of the CaseStack family, always a member of the CaseStack family. Thanks so much for all your help and have a great summer!
All the best,
Kristine Co
Annenberg School for Communication
USC c/o 2010